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1 to 10 of 57 Results
Jan 31, 2025
Beauducel, François; Boissier, Patrice; Briole, Pierre; Charade, Olivier; Peltier, Aline; Sakic, Pierre; Staudacher, Thomas; Villeneuve, Nicolas; Walpersdorf, Andrea, 2025, "Zenith Tropospheric Delays at La Reunion island for the year 2021 derived from the processing of GNSS stations",, IPGP Research Collection, V1
We present the dataset related to the article cited below. The data provided are the hourly solutions of the Total Zenith Delays, the Zenith Wet Delays and their associated uncertainties for the 41 GNSS stations distributed over La Réunion island during the year 2021. The GNSS da...
Jan 21, 2025
Losno, Rémi; Xu-Yang, Yangjunjie; Dessert, Céline, 2025, "Replication Data for: Atmospheric aerosols versus total atmospheric deposition in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles): composition, concentration, and flux",, IPGP Research Collection, V1
We present here the results obtained by direct measurement of atmospheric aerosols and total atmospheric deposition using a 14-month time series from the Caribbean region: from 2017-03-27 to 2018-05-28. Both total atmospheric deposition fluxes and ground-based aerosol concentrati...
Jan 20, 2025
Metivier, Laurent; Sanchez Lofficial, Ana; Greff-Lefftz, Marianne; Fleitout, Luce; Chanard, Kristel; de La Serve, Maylis; Gauer, Louis-Marie; Gourrion, Emma, 2025, "Greenland ice surface elevation changes, gravimetry and GNSS data",, IPGP Research Collection, V1, UNF:6:tIK/VjeUn3deMLYWuZkZng== [fileUNF]
Data associated with Sanchez et al. (2025) GJI paper: Greenland Ice surface elevation change grids (ICESat, CryoSat-2 and peripheral glaciers), GNSS velocities estimation and prediction.
Jan 8, 2025 - Seismological and volcanological observatory of Guadeloupe
Klein, Amelie; Jessop, David; Donnadieu, Franck; Pierre, Joanny; Moretti, Roberto, 2025, "Soil CO2 degassing, la Soufrière de Guadeloupe 2021",, IPGP Research Collection, V1, UNF:6:Lu6zl/DHRVaACyD1gV2DmA== [fileUNF]
This repository contains CO2 soil flux data acquired at la Soufrière de Guadeloupe during fieldwork carried out as part of Amelie Klein's PhD (Université Clermont Auvergne 2021-2024). Measurements were carried out using a West Systems® Accumulation Chamber and Portable Fluxmeter...
Nov 26, 2024
Besse, Jean; Gallet, Yves, 2024, "Subduction-related volcanic activity as a proxy for global subduction flux over the past billion years, and its correlation with geomagnetic superchrons",, IPGP Research Collection, V1, UNF:6:50BA2bNocwKCgRSZtlRDug== [fileUNF]
Tables and R software of the paper "Subduction-related volcanic activity as a proxy for global subduction flux over the past billion years, and its correlation with geomagnetic superchrons" by Jean Besse, and Yves Gallet
Oct 31, 2024
Villalobos-Orchard, Javiera; Debret, Baptiste; Bouilhol, Pierre; Upadhyay, Rajeev; Gutiérrez, Pamela; Chauvel, Catherine; Girault, Frédéric, 2024, "Location and geochemical composition of meta-serpentinites composing the Indus Suture Zone in Ladakh (NW Himalaya)",, IPGP Research Collection, V1
This dataset accompanies the article "Geochemical signatures of forearc serpentinites from oceanic to continental subduction" in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta. Here are given the location, major, trace and radiogenic isotope composition of studied meta-serpentinites. The dataset i...
Oct 10, 2024
Cattani, Fanny; Avice, Guillaume; Ferrière, Ludovic; Alwmark, Sanna, 2024, "Data for noble gases extracted from samples from the Siljan impact structure (Sweden)",, IPGP Research Collection, V1, UNF:6:ZFfnsQF3PNQixMX7BwYblQ== [fileUNF]
Data published in Chemical Geology in the paper entitled "Noble Gases in Shocked Igneous Rocks from the 380 Ma-old Siljan Impact Structure (Sweden): A Search for Paleo-Atmospheric Signatures". The dataset includes the following details from gas release during crushing experiments...
Sep 23, 2024
Busigny, Vincent; Amor, Matthieu; Mathon, François; Lefèvre, Christopher; Menguy, Nicolas; Guyot, François, 2024, "Dataset related to trace element content of magnetite in magnetotactic bacteria",, IPGP Research Collection, V1, UNF:6:SMQW+XaHw/NBkQLuxv+DKQ== [fileUNF]
The data reported here include: (1) a summary of experimental conditions and results, (2) partition coefficients (Ki) between magnetite and solution for both biotic and abiotic precipitations, (3) growth parameters monitored during magnetotactic bacteria cultures, (4) trace eleme...
Aug 27, 2024
Isambert, Aude; Carvallo, Claire; Franke, Christine; Turcati, Laure; Sivry, Yann; Coural, Sophie; Macouin, Mélina; Rousse, Sonia; Fluteau, Frédéric, 2024, "Replication Data for "Ecorc’Air : a citizen science project for the biomonitoring of vehicular air pollution in Paris, France"",, IPGP Research Collection, V1, UNF:6:nDBMcLZ1i1IlcR5EkIwzjA== [fileUNF]
Magnetic susceptibility data for Paris from 2016 to 2023.
Aug 3, 2024
Vergniolle, Sylvie, 2024, "Codes for calculating the degassing parameters in the reservoir at Shishaldin volcano",, IPGP Research Collection, V1
Three sets of functions written in Matlab are in this folder. The functions have been written by S. Vergniolle, Institut de physique de Paris, France (June 2023) for the submission of a paper on volcanology, and more specifically on the 1999 eruption at Shishaldin (Alaska) for JG...
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