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31 to 40 of 123 Results
MATLAB Source Code - 300.3 KB - MD5: 2f4fe4f552ec3bb6b604fcd1a0bb55e3
My script for calculating magma viscosity using the melt composition at Shishaldin volcano given by Rasmussen et al., 2018 and the Giordano's code (2008)
MATLAB Source Code - 123 B - MD5: d6d5dbbe2a0b4ad9179edbc9f79608a4
This matlab function generates uniform distribution of parameters and can be used in association with a Monte-Carlo sensitivity analysis, shown here
MS Word - 29.1 KB - MD5: 7ddc881c19261ad253a3ed0cd32f6d00
Comments for using the dataset and the functions written in Matlab (12/10/2023) Three sets of functions written in Matlab are in this folder. The functions have been written by S. Vergniolle, Institut de physique de Paris, France (June 2023) for the submission of a paper on volc...
MATLAB Data - 7.2 KB - MD5: 0cc69c90df855fe6d4d1359d86d75d28
A matlab file for the data of magma compositions from Rasmussen et al., 2018 and results obtained with the Giordano’s model (2008) for each melt inclusions
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