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281 to 290 of 1,826 Results
Fixed Field Text Data - 1.9 KB - MD5: 6afeba85fcfd113bbdb27889408554b8
OBS coordinates and depth information
Plain Text - 11.3 KB - MD5: ebb4f13094850fe4957affa8054e046d
Table with all the hysteresis parameters from the specimens.
Tabular Data - 12.0 KB - 16 Variables, 50 Observations - UNF:6:4sG7B5+ehmNQWoTyrbqvhg==
Noble gas data (crushing) for non-irradiated samples
Tabular Data - 16.1 KB - 29 Variables, 42 Observations - UNF:6:NaPa6Oq3z5qxawJj3X82mg==
Ar-Ar data for irradiated samples
ZIP Archive - 76.8 KB - MD5: ae2af417c6b14f55034e417d1acfcf86
Ionograms by Ionosonde station AT138 for 06/Feb/2023
ZIP Archive - 16.0 MB - MD5: 81640c4a7566067592e97953864bd79a
TEC data by the CYPOS GNSS network for 06/Feb/2023
ZIP Archive - 1.0 GB - MD5: eabb8a7bab964cae9df7250d18ca2c31
TEC data by the TUSAGA GNSS network for 06/Feb/2023
ZIP Archive - 289.7 MB - MD5: b22e84aebf1269708f796b74eb245be2
Videos and photos from each one of the 5 experiments
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