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1 to 10 of 14 Results
ZIP Archive - 22.7 MB - MD5: a9be8222fd6fe6af853c99fcdf657b16
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 111.7 KB - MD5: 3e53c05c7f829cbf1ee92a6d19e07898
Aerosol concentrations and deposition fluxes paired data
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 140.5 KB - MD5: e70b458c72927e5a7d51e129d4d2f986
Individual aerosol and deposition samples data
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 19.8 KB - MD5: 7220c2cd2381d398aa789edb55390991
Description of content and organization of the data files
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 88.0 KB - MD5: 17eb4437af49dae7a7e21a0ced2bad55
Scavenging ratio and total deposition velocity calculated from paired data
Plain Text - 1.3 KB - MD5: 6b9903db583327f988df93fab89afda2
Tabular Data - 5.3 KB - 1 Variables, 52 Observations - UNF:6:tIK/VjeUn3deMLYWuZkZng==
see README.txt file
Plain Text - 56.1 MB - MD5: ad4da1ece4d0773dd42ddbd7e9703019
see README.txt file
Plain Text - 56.4 MB - MD5: 238aa420da178edd48cb43512122f016
see README.txt file
GeoJSON - 106.8 KB - MD5: b4031f6113513ff74c0848564716bcda
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