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291 to 300 of 1,826 Results
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 69.6 KB - MD5: 33fb85ba9e2b3f09fec1f3c00da929d2
Element concentration in air expressed in ng/m3 or µg/m3 and including uncertainies
Plain Text - 3.0 KB - MD5: ab543ce7ec81eebd7d93f61837a9692e
Description of the data file
Plain Text - 1.3 KB - MD5: fa1af271f60308c0dab2a3e85bc09f23
MATLAB Source Code - 462 B - MD5: 67674efd5e94c3cf3c8676c605e6adae
MATLAB Data - 435.8 KB - MD5: 8e5df35210aed1fdf8ba986b8c6e19a7
MATLAB Data - 435.8 KB - MD5: 0782e0919c82042428c118dc5732a891
MATLAB Data - 435.8 KB - MD5: 35128b1acc8f95969cdf626307e96b5a
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